Holodomor Economics

Kissinger lagarde.jpg
Kissinger and Lagarde get cosy somewhere where you can’t go

The so called class system has been hijacked by those who don’t have any. Yes, they may have the clothes, the fast talk, the endless loans to small and weak nations borrowed from rich nations, which they broker for themselves from their automated criminal empire. Every penny earned is a penny they siphon up for internationalist causes, such as arming Zimbundia with money gained from Europa to have child armies hooked on heroin battle it out for the rights to have first dibs on a mud hut, yet Africa’s population booms. Or Near to Mid East, where frictions count for a job, as the armies of the rich countries gather to patrol the opium farmers and make sure the ideology of bolshevik collective farming is continued for the further detriment of everyone. Given that hypnosis has been seen to work as good as placebo’s, and placebos work better than 99.9% of drugs, according to tests. Tests, that the FDA won’t approve, because the FDA deals in drugs, and placebos aren’t. So, why isn’t hypnosis taught and used as a safe way to overcome all obstacles, or at least a great number. Here’s a token of what I mean, winning by thinking, and is no endorsement of the speaker per se. Link. (After having just watched it, he’s definitely a Jew, and an embarrassment if I’m honest, but I’m just pointing in that general direction for reasons of good mental health.)

Hypnosis came to be a thing when the American drug riddled soldiers of the communist/capitalist war held in Vietnam had received amputations. They suffered from ghost limb syndrome, and would go crazy with the need to itch, yet no limb to scratch. That’s how the myth goes, and let me take you further back in time when amphetamines were handed out to those in the trenches in WW1. On and on the drug world has gained greater and greater power and influence over the society, yet it’s all covert military operations that politics just never seems to deal with.

While America enjoyed the “Roarin’ 20’s” so the people of collective farms in USSR were being robbed of their harvests and a massive series of active military starvation campaigns took place. Link. Yet. Link. Since these times of loss of control by nations to control, manage and prosper from the efforts of nationals, so the internationalists come in and rob the cream of the crops. They don’t care for market forces, their mission is to gain profit for themselves by hook or by crook. Theirs is a way of selling loans that is unsurpassed in history, produces nothing but misery and is solely in the hands of the Jewish Empire. As covert as they like their empire to be it is without a shadow of a doubt an empire of vast resources, in fact any and all. They manipulate the purse strings of nations making sure that the nations never meet a certain threshold. It’s like a wage cap system.

We’re sold into being a party of something that they would never dare to put to referendum. Definitely they’d never put the jobs on offer to the vote. Even the national voting systems, down to the local voting systems have long been a great big jello on a plate type scenario. It’s ran by killers for killers to prosper. The value and importance of people’s lives is not more than a form of their perverted entertainment, and testimony to how simple world economics would, nay can actually be when the right minds are put to the task. I’m sure you’d agree that things like chaining up Africans to “stop them from being violent” would cause a disturbance in our “civilised” countries, yet here we are. Link.  So, that’s codeine, which is a derivative of opium, and being sold there in that form, whereas anywhere it may got by different names, yet the armies protect the opium, as part of their military operations. Link. Link.

So, under imminent threat is the trigger for the so called protectionist forces of the military to take up arms against belligerents and insurgents. Yet, what do we see? Endless addictions plying every nation. Why would that be? What is the psychological value of having nations strength, the people, undermined by subcultures of debauchery and self-harm? I’ve only picked selections, but one must look at at least two more examples of crippling nations from within and then ravaging them by revolution, the Yiddish business. The famed Chinese Opium Wars of the 1800’s, where ten nations ganged up on China for the rights to sell opium. Worse still, the Manchu Emperor, at least in the last of the wars, declared Chinese weren’t allowed to use rifles against the armies of the West, who had rifles. It must’ve been a turkey shoot. Now we find China has their virtual automaton army, all paid for by the IRS collected taxes of the Americans, but what say did they have where the dough went? Certainly the neighbours of China, Russia, aren’t going to resist a partnership and signed up at least 400 economic deals with the Chinese.

Now, among all this prosperity backed by loans, from guess who, yep, the IMF, via Jewish Central Banks. Link. Link. So, that’s Putin’s Russian debt, how about the new rule in China’s Central Bank, where now only 1% of reserves need be held, and if you even believe their claim on that, then I have a few bridges to sell you. Link. How many loans are there currently in China, well, it’s funny you should ask, according to the Central Bank there, by way of “micro-credit” companies currently just RMB 963 billion loans. Seems reasonable. Go Communism, or Craptialism, or what the hooey they have there these days. They certainly aren’t exactly the Chinese in control of their own destiny, when all of the youth have been vacuumed into the “new” modern cities conveniently set up for their one child to work in plastic factories until they die. Link.

Needed revolutionising
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963 billion loans later, made these cuddly toys for export

Yes, seems like a fair deal to turn China, once known as the bread basket of the world, into the plastic crap factory of Israel. I’m sure none of them have worked any of it out and are all shadow boxing with the real cause, so therefore can never bring a real solution. Even at the highest levels, the former nationalist guomanting govt of the Republic of China, Taiwan, has now, as of May 1st 1991 actually, fell into the Jewish goo of internationalism. Such as their constitution declared, the Temporary Provisions – “In the face of the Chinese communist threat…” yet now, in the same Temporary Provisions we find this – “Following a radically changed domestic situation and reduced tension in the Taiwan Strait in the late 1980s, the National Assembly on April 22, 1991, resolved to abolish the Temporary Provisions…” Just so happens Taiwan joined APEC in 1991. Link.

So, while I far from endorse the yotube link I need to add here for exposing the current Jewish head of the IMF, I do very much endorse people to watch it. And, if you want to see some real chutzpah in action then do watch the Rabbi who has his yarn to spin and send money. The hostess of the site is a Christian Zionist, or just a full on Jew, send money though!. Link. (obviously it’s sarcasm, don’t send money). In there she’s having the time of her life dreaming her way through the scenarios of the whole world loaning from her without any resistance whatsoever. And, worse still we have the Canadian head of the Jewish Bank England, Mark Carney, sitting on the front row with Chief Rabbi of England Ephraim Mirvis, what a coincidence, someone’s really good at putting out the seating labels. Lagarde appears to be no bearer of any good news, yet, wouldn’t one think that she’d have all the answers? She says she has all the money, so…

Chief Rabbi of England Ephraim Mirvis and Jewish Bank of England head Mark Carny

All the way through she talks about how Europe, and you know she means everyone of European descent, Chinese and Japanese are all for the chop. She calls those countries the “greying” countries, and the all the countries they’ve ambushed with loans are called the “younger” countries. Isn’t she just a little doll. So, she’s decided, or rather, there’s no objection from Jewry as to who’s getting the chop and who’s getting the loans. Take from it what you will, I merely offer this article for your attention to ponder Holodomor Economics and do you care to resist it. Dare to overcome it. Dare even to take control of it and bring about it’s inversion, National Socialism!

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