Jungian Kryptonite

Carl Gustav Jung – Psychologist

Imagine if you will for a time were Jewish bastards weren’t stepping our shirt tails to bully everyone into their mindset. All going against our own nature in every sense, and them knowing that and polluting the environment with a free for all of toxic Jewish ideology. What kind of world would it be without them doing all of that stuff when proven geniuses, such as Jung soon come about. He also aligned with national socialism for a time, but again the Jew bastards had a hand in being the kryptonite to stop him being the most he could be, and yet still his contributions are outstanding. The human mind likes reason, it understands doing for cause. Being forced into submission at every turn ultimately is going to weaken treacherously the human psyche into a kind of aimlessness that is far from healthy. Indeed it’s toxic. Jews, of course know this, and amp it up at every possible opportunity. That is their cause. Therefore, the anti-thesis to it is definitely to be Pro-Jewish and allow them to return to their own places of origin and do their own accounts.

Why would the magnificent Jewish mind be so obstreperous about having to deal only in their own affairs, in their own place? What so great about being the minority group in virtually every country on the planet? Surely loans for Jews would be right up their street, heaven knows they’re certainly good for everyone else. People will literally die for a Jewish loan. So, what if, God forbid, the Jews are taken down from their grossly disproportionate elevated positions within our societies? What would possibly occur? Would the skies be clearer, the waters fresher, the land more fertile? Or am I merely pipe dreaming. Surely the well’s would no longer be poisoned, and that’s got to be a good thing, right? No, you’d prefer their high street banks on every corner booting old ladies from their homes and taking all their savings to put them in homes their Jew mates run? Sounds reasonable. What if there’s a clue to being put right in the psychological area of society, left by Jung to aid our societies to run up the flags of our people’s and prosper greatly through actually benefiting from all the hard work we put in?

Think of all the cars made, the farms cultivating, the fishermen fishing in good measure. Surely, like in South Africa before communism, there’d be a massive abundance of wealth, good and healthy mindsets for an absolute paradise. Even in Jewland they could prosper by their own loaning system to themselves. That would be just great for their own economy, right? What better than ALL Jews in their own Jewey paradise for their own prosperity, they’d not even have to farm even once. All said and done, what, or how exactly would Jung consider the mind of the Jew to be as it’s own worst enemy? Surely by now it’s clear they’re the total enemy of everyone else. Why else would they always need to be so secretive about everything, except about the obvious raping and pillaging of our standards? Who’d miss them?

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