Asian Persuasion

Muslim Jew pact, but only in White countries

We’ve been bombarded that race is never an issue. Can it ever be an issue when at the core of all of our existences lie the natural racial traits of the people’s who belong too, or, from where we stem. When does race ever become the issue, that one sole thing that everything boils down to? Will it be when all races have become extinct and then the suddenly want to discover the racial origins, because nature made it so, and that’s been successful until Jews decided it wasn’t? Once gone they’re lost forever is a thing that is actively scorned by the leaders and rulers. Never will they address anything that can, even by the slightest, undermine the Jewish narrative. In India we are seeing the largest population boom of any people. There’s is a society of castes, and one must ask the question of ultimately what case will the former White people be when they’ve literally been bred off the planet by Jewish economic assassination of the rest of the world.

What of the incoming invasions of Africans and Asians, what are their aims in all of this? For something to be attached to “integration” then that prestigious ideology for minorities to be absorbed by the majority seems to be skewif  at best. Asia is by the far the most dominant continent on the planet, yet we’re directed at the nasty Americans. Asia has done what now for bringing up European culture that hasn’t benefited their own? The term wannabe’s is something that did describe the one’s who wished to fulfil life’s aims by European values, yet look at the tatters that European values have become since that concentrated effort. Where does actual genocide stop? When is the call coming for our people’s to rise up against the onslaught by the Jewish bankster families funding? For example, I saw a Christian Zionist sucked in by a Jewish Rabbi who promises the rapture, and he says he believes in Jesus. I left the comment “So Jews voted to crucify Jesus, and he died for all their sins? Wow, that’s convenient, lucky Jews!”. Of course they always neglect to mention that Jesus dying is a metaphor for what they’ve really voted for. It’s a symbolic gesture by their Sanhedrin to take down Euro-Christian value, Euro=Pagan value and anything else that stands in their way of the robotisation of the human races. And that’s for the ones who survive, if you can call it that. Go ask a soldier how their race matters. What did they join for and were they fully clued in the whole of affair of Jewish world politics and how it is central and key to understanding any politicians diatribe about what’s good for the country.

In fact, the whole notion of countries has been undermined and virtually wiped out since those who, from afar, have been lining up the West for their demise. The cost of the demise of course is given to those who are being demised. Why would the killers show their hand, when thy can get away with not showing it? Show me some solutions that Jews are bringing and I’ll show you ten nations wrecked by their blood lust. They have no solutions, other than the continued genocide programme, which is their Final Solution. They’re not seeking to help other nations, or come to terms with certain aspects of their minority statuses in virtually every country. There’s even reports of them fearing becoming a minority in their own criminal hideout, but who’s counting their number? For integrating to take place, then the smallest continents cannot be annexed by the bigger ones under the auspices of minority rights. Refugees don’t go to so called rich China, or other so called liberated countries.

We all know how travel is rewarding, and how it is very interesting to visit other cultures to learn from their ways. Since every country now is McDonald’s Coca Cola paradises for the minion, so the precedent was set, and the swathes of Asian eateries and barber shops have dominated the high streets, without reproach or commercial protection from the governments. What kind of equality is that? How can you have diversity and equality together when the indigenous are bred out? You have an extension of Asia in kind, not a Euro-Asian culture. Why would they wish to integrate, when to integrate means they would give up their treasured cultures for good and allow Jews like Kissinger, Lagarde, Drumph and Putin to get their way when it comes to deracinating of the planet? It’s about time that race becomes the one single issue that everything can find it’s footing from, and thereby build from that natural point of origin. Then we may see some real equality and diversity, but first is to take the iron grip of Jewish cartel hegemony off of the commerce from top to bottom.

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